Practice Areas
Personal Injury
Personal Injury is a general term which describes most every kind of civil case for physical injury. The underlying cause can be many things, car wreck, slip and fall, defective product, medical malpractice, etc. The true question is whether the event causing the injury is due to neglect or fault on the part of the defendant or defendants (sometimes it doesn’t matter much about fault, like in workers compensation claims). We handle a wide array of personal injury claims. Often times one case can involve several different claims, because a motor vehicle case instead also involve worker’s compensation, product liability, medical malpractice, etc. We will pursue all reasonable claims angles and directions in each case to the extent necessary.

Motor Vehicle Accidents
Car Wrecks, Tractor Trailer Wrecks, Motorcycle Wrecks
When you or a family member are hurt in a wreck, there are medical bills, car repairs, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages that need to be paid. Most times, those bills start coming in early and cause great stress on you. To pay these damages, there are liability coverage, health insurance, um coverage, med pay coverage, and other policies and policy provisions. Plus, some of this coverage will be less than obvious, requiring considerable digging. How all of this interacts can be quite confusing. And, the timing can be aggravating, since liability pays in the end, med pay and health insurance pay during, and Um pays last, usually, but not always, and this all takes some coordinating, realizing that a misstep with one may cancel the other. It is vital to have an attorney who has extensive experience and time to handle all of this to maximize your recovery.

Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice cases simply mean that the medical professional has done something negligent. It’s just like a car wreck, where the defendant driver does something negligent. In both, negligence is required. We call these medical malpractice, since it involves a licensed and specially educated and trained professional as the defendant. In these cases, the patient and family will have information about what happened and why, but the Court System requires Expert testimony to support and prove most of the case, since the professional is governed by

reasonable conduct of one in the same educational status and professional position. This can be complicated, and it can be real expensive. We will get all the facts, all the necessary records, review them for areas of concern, consult and hire necessary experts to deal with the testimony required. Oftentimes, the malpractice is there but the resulting damages are small. In those cases, there may not be enough recoverable damage to justify the expert expense needed to pursue the case. That is, the costs eat the case recovery. Other times, what appears to be malpractice, on further study, really isn’t. Knowing which cases to pursue is important because pursuing a “case” that really isn’t a viable case would not be in your best interest. We will investigate, explain, and pursue all avenues reasonably available to you.
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death is a description of a case in which death was the injury. It can arise out of any of the types of cases, eg car wrecks, product liability, medical malpractice, etc. The damages in these cases are substantial, because the value of the life to the deceased is the main calculation criteria, and that value is huge. Alongside that calculation are other damages as well, pursued by the Estate separately, eg pain and suffering , funeral and medical expense, etc. We will coordinate all the available damages and present them properly to the Court.